Hello, friends and fellow travelers!
The world sure has become interesting these past few years. As if it wasn’t already. Here in Gondwanaland, Mystics Anonymous has mostly been quietly trucking along, writing and recording new songs as time allows. But every once in a while, we poked our heads out and shared a little something with the world.
Back in May, we released two new songs on our Soft Shoulder single, which you can download here at Bandcamp:
It is also available through Apple Music, Amazon Music, Spotify… you know, all the usual places you stream and download music. So feel free to add to playlists, share with people who you think will like it, and all that good stuff.
And just a week ago, we released our free annual holiday single. This year was our rendition of Mele Kalikimaka. You can download or stream here:
Work continues on the forthcoming album, Dining & Lodging. Truly hoping for a 2022 release, so keep your eyes peeled for that.
In the meantime, we are most active on Facebook these days, sharing songs, articles, ideas, and our regular Black 25 playlists on Spotify. So be sure to like and follow the Mystics Anonymous Facebook page if you haven’t already:
Mystics Anonymous Facebook Page
Thanks as always for your support, and may 2022 treat you and your loved ones well indeed!