Couple great ones this week
First, pop music geek/DJ/writer/musicianKen Maiuri takes over The Parlor Room in Northampton for a night, curating a night of music with a trio of his projects: The Super 8 Players (trio performing songs from films), The TV Show (quartet-plus playing classic TV themes), and The Four Color Press (playing Ken tunes new and old, with harmonies and keyboards and other goodies). This happens tonight, Sunday June 9 at 7:00 pm. You can read more and get tickets here:
Next, this Thursday 6/13 The School, indie rock from the UK, arrives at the Sierra Grille in Northampton, with locals The Fawns and a reunited Nuclear Waste Management Club opening. You can read more about that one here:
And finally, Friday 6/14 Fiesta Brava, my other project, plays at Cafe 9 in New Haven, supporting The Joiner Inners as they release their final album and then ride off into the sunset. You can read more about that one here: